Z-003. Chat Widget & Contact Us Form

In this video we discuss how the system sends initial automated response after receiving the first message from lead based on business hours through the chat widget

WF Overview: Send initial automated response after receiving the first message from lead based on business hours. Specific for Z-003-5 & -5a: sends an initial SMS to confirm the requested call back then immediately connects you & the lead over the phone.

Customization Required: Adjust business hours based on the actual hours of the business. Check & tweak the messaging if needed.

Pro tip: Install the webchat widget on your website, you could replace the contact us form on your site, You also can integrate Google My Business (GMB) + Facebook Messenger (FB. Mega)

Pro tip: Place the request a call back form on your site some options include: as a button, floating button, time-delayed popup, exit popup or simply as a new page with a link in the menu.

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